Every part of a business requires steady work processes. However, an idle fleet can stagger company prospects considerably, directly impacting the flow of goods from your firm.

Fleets also represent your company outside of the premises too. If consumers witness improper practices or reckless work methods, it can irreparably damage your company’s reputation. Poor working methods can also jeopardise the safety of fleet drivers, as their job is perhaps more hazardous than most.

If your fleet isn’t as productive as it should be, there’s a lot at stake. Read on for some tips on how you might turn things around.

Refine Your Methods

The optimisation of business processes is a constant effort. These matters should be reviewed regularly and amended when necessary. A method statement template from HS Direct is an excellent place to begin. That way, you can logically outline procedures that keep your fleet teams safe and risk-free and then present the copy to them confidently. There’ll be no muddled messages or misunderstandings, all possible workplace hazards will be accounted for, and your fleet can function legally and safely.

Communication is a surefire way to enhance productivity in any business area. However, because fleet workers are constantly coming and going, they need a reliable source of information to which they can reliably return if they ever need reminders on best practices. A quality method statement will ensure they always have that anchor of up-to-date knowledge.

Be Mindful of Supply Constraints

Firms in every sector are experiencing some level of supply chain disruption. These problems look set to continue. Still, fleets can also be affected by these woes, so it’s important to get ahead of these problems and plan for the future. Analysing market conditions and how purchase prices are rising alongside more troubled manufacturing processes and low availability. Looking into how rental companies are impacted is a good idea too. Negotiate contingency contracts with suppliers so that you can adapt as needed.

It can feel like your hands are tied when supply constraints arise, but making the most of a bad situation is imperative to the workflow of your fleet. Keep these circumstances under constant scrutiny. Remember, everybody is experiencing the same concerns, so if you, your fleet managers, and your drivers have an extensive network, you should be able to find support and advice that way too.

Go Electric

Fleet drivers of petrol and diesel vehicles must make frequent stops when delivering goods. They’ll do this to refuel. Electric vehicles (EVs) don’t face the same disruption. While it’s true they need to be recharged, sometimes for longer periods than a standard refuel, these innovations can be safely powered up again overnight. If you have fast charge points fitted on your premises, each EV vehicle you have will be ready to go by the morning.

Major conglomerates like Amazon are making sizeable investments in these areas, highlighting how promising these practices can be to fleet management. More products and services can be offered under these measures, and drivers may be able to cover greater distances, too, depending on the make and model of the vehicles you secure. If you’re worried about affordability, lease deals can make these logistics more cost-effective.


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