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Global air cargo demand up 6.9%, capacity remains constrained

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has released its data for global air freight markets showing that full-year demand for global air cargo increased by 6.9% in 2021, compared to 2019 (pre-covid levels) and 18.7% compared to 2020 following a strong performance in December 2021.

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The Manufacturing Workforce in 2022: Restraints, Predictions, and Implications

The talent market has been severely disrupted, and manufacturers are not immune from the impact of the worker shortage that shows little to no sign of ceasing.

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BREA Wine Company Raises a Glass to Logistics

BREA Wine Company runs on a lean staff—just one full-time employee. Yet since its launch in 2013, sales at the Berkeley, California-based company have grown by a factor of more than 13. The company's founders, Tim Elenteny and Chris Brockway, both are employed full-time elsewhere. Elenteny is co-founder of Elenteny Imports, headquartered in New York; Brockway owns Broc Cellars, a winery based in Berkeley, California.

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Robots Do Yardwork, Too

Efficient warehouse operations provide the levels of service that customers demand as America's economy scales up. In many instances, yard operations impede that efficiency.

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Cultivating Supply Chain Talent

2021 was notable for labor challenges and shifts in thinking about employee engagement. Here's how to attract supply chain talent and increase job satisfaction.

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Sideways Ships and Missing Chips: Overcoming E-Bike Blockages

E-bikes are manufactured across Asia—the frames in China and other crucial parts in Japan—while assembly takes place in Taiwan. When the coronavirus first hit Asia, production lines ceased operations.

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What to Expect and How to Prepare for Peak Season

Expect a longer and more unpredictable peak season. Here's how companies can get their logistics operations prepared for what's to come.

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Cold Chain Innovations: Keep Your Cool

For some products, a few degrees more or less can spell the difference between successful delivery and catastrophic spoilage.

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Improving CX: Going the Extra Mile

From e-commerce fulfillment strategies to warehouse layout to inventory approaches, here are the supply chain moves that go above and beyond to improve the customer experience.

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FedEx ups its e-cargo bike fleet to reduce carbon emissions

FedEx Express has introduced a fleet of 13 e-cargo bikes to work alongside its vehicle pick-up and delivery fleet in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Cambridge, the company has announced. That’s not that many between three cities, but it’s a start.

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Last Mile Drone Delivery Pilot gets underway in Sweden

Aerit has announced it will pilot drone delivery services to the Swedish archipelago in collaboration with ICAx, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Norrtälje municipality. The announcement follows selection of the project for funding by the Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova via the ‘Drones in Service of the Climate for Autumn of 2021’ call.

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Air Cargo Today: Buckle Up!

Experts offer tips and advice for riding out the turbulent airfreight market.

Capacity remains tight, driving rates higher and extending the current fragility in many supply chains. Airports that have implemented zero-COVID strategies—which make sense from a public health perspective—may also be just one infected individual away from having to shut down.

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Expedited Transport Quick Tips

How to keep freight moving when it seems like the whole world is conspiring to slow it down.

Logistics professionals who rarely in the past let the word "expedite" pass their lips now find they're ready to pay more for extra speed. Facing slow procurement pipelines and heavy transportation congestion, companies turn to premium freight services to keep production humming, inventory moving, and store shelves stocked.

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IN BRIEF: New Services & Solutions


  • TMS provider Axele upgraded its software to include new factoring and loadboard integrations and new dispatch and settlement features. The latest upgrades enable the software to optimize driver schedules with the most profitable loads.
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Latest Fashion Trend? Sustainability

Sustainability is more important than ever as fashion supply chains become more environmentally conscious, says a report from intelligence platform Edited. The biggest shift has been the number of products labeled "recycled" or "containing recycled materials" (see chart), which now account for 51% of sustainable products versus 29% in 2019. Highlights from the report reveal:

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4 Steps to Building Cyber-Resiliency

Cyber-exploitation through contractor networks is becoming more prevalent. Cyber-insecure suppliers and contractors provide covert backdoor access to more prominent corporations.

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10 Tips for Advancing Your Supply Chain Career

Career opportunities in supply chain are practically limitless. To avoid career stagnation and advance with your evolving interests and desires, take a proactive approach.

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Old Processes Impede New Inventory Strategies

Few businesses use new technologies to tackle supply chain issues caused by the pandemic due to tighter costs and dependence on legacy work processes, says a recent survey from intelligence platform Verusen. This results in lost revenue and increased inventory costs.

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How would you summarize the supply chain in 2021 in five words?


A never-ending game of whack-a-mole.

—Brian Higgins Principal, Supply Chain & Operations LeaderKPMG

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Choose a 3PL with a Culture and Vision that Match Your Own

Transportation has often been considered a commodity. Equipment, fuel, software, and wages are all very similar from a cost perspective. A 3PL's culture can be a competitive advantage.

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November truck tonnage heads up, reports ATA

Truck tonnage readings saw gains in November, according to data issued today by the American Trucking Associations (ATA).

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Shippers must evolve to overcome market challenges

Rates have remained high throughout 2021, and shippers have been anticipating the market to rebalance. They may be waiting a bit longer, as seasonal slowdowns after the holiday season may not be as dramatic as most shippers are accustomed to — and hoping for — during the first quarter of 2022.

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Uniserve Claims the Top Spot in the Top 50 Logistics Service Providers

Uniserve is the fastest-growing logistics service provider in the UK, according to data analysed by Logistics Manager magazine over the past few months.

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Royal Mail partners with Ford for more Sustainable Deliveries

Royal Mail and Ford have partnered to introduce more sustainable deliveries and have  conducted successful trials in Manchester.

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Big Transportation Impacts Small and Mid-Size Businesses

One often overlooked budget item in growing companies is transportation and logistics. As companies focus on growth, the oversight of logistics programs frequently becomes a complimentary duty of employees whose primary focus might be in other company disciplines.

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